Barcelona: Was kommt, wenn Rot-Grün kommt

Wir wollen Grün-Rot für Wien. Dazu habe ich bereits hier und hier gebloggt. Denn für Wien stehen drei Koalitonsvarianten zur Auswahl – und das ist, was wirklich zählt: Die Fortsetzung der absoluten roten Freunderlwirtschaft, eine Rot-Schwarze Aufteilung der Schrebergärten und damit die Kopie der bundespolitischen Lähmung, oder der Rot-Grüne Aufbruch und damit auch mit Auswirkungen auf ganz Österreich die „Wende der Wende“ von Schwarz-Blau vor genau zehn Jahren hin zu einem nicht nur ökologischen Klimawandel, sondern einem Modell der Weltoffenheit und des respektvollen Miteinanders.

Rot-Grün funktioniert. Auch in Wien, weil viele SozialdemokratInnen, die derzeit zwar wenig zu sagen haben aber womöglich sogar in der Mehrheit sind, das wollen. Weil wir es wollen. Weil es kommen kann, wenn Grün gewinnt und die SPÖ soviel verliert, dass die derzeitigen Machthaberer Druck von der Parteibasis kriegen. Und weil es zahlreiche Rot-Grüne Erfolgsmodelle in Europa gibt – Christoph Chorherr hat sie hier aufgezählt.

Ja, ich will: Rot-Grün für Wien auf Facebook

Nun hat mich ein Brief aus Barcelona erreicht: Vizebürgermeisterin und Umwelstadträtin Imma Mayol und Sozialstadtrat Ricard Gomà von der Grünen Katalonischen Partei ICV (Iniciativa per Catalunya-Verds) beschreiben darin die Erfolge der Rot-Grünen Koalition in Barcelona:

Barcelona in red and green

Barcelona has gone through deep changes in the last decade, and now it’s facing a new stage with a very different reality. We are facing an economic and ecologic global crisis, but locally shown through hard impacts on the most vulnerable. And not any crisis, a crisis which has been originated by the finance capitalism mess.

In Barcelona, in the cities, the crisis statistics are not only data, they are shown through faces, trough life projects, trough languages from all over.

We have always believed and shown our commitment to transform live trough the small quotidianity-daily changes. In coherence, we face the challenges of social change and economic crisis from a plural liberal government, based in a social and ecological programme. Neighbourhood proximity orientated. In this government, ICV provides the praxis and the values of a sustainable and shared in common Barcelona. We are doing it although it bothers the establishment, although it worries the conservative spokesmen. And we are going to keep doing it because we have the strength, the illusion and a solid project.

A plural government is not only accompanying our partners almost elsewhere and everywhere. We also defend our project when disagreeing. Defending our values and commitments when we do not agree we are also constructing Barcelona.

Being in government for us is not a result of less freedom. We cannot make policy without being loyal to our profile.

Our policies have been a potent factor of inclusion, ecological change, freedoms and solidarity expansion. In this sense red-green footprint has been decisive.

We have been now for 30 years building a particular Barcelona:

A Barcelona which main priority has been fighting against crisis through strong policies against unemployment. Placing public investment as the engine of economic reactivation. Preserving investments in public facilities and strengthening the social and educational budget.

A Barcelona which identity element has been fighting social exclusion. We pretend our social policy to be, not only assistancial, but strongly committed to provide independent living. Focusing on neighbourhoods, acting through community actions. Promoting complicity between our Citizen’s Commitment for an Inclusive Barcelona, a space where we want to articulate participative democracy.

A Sustainable Barcelona. We want to strength a new culture towards water uses and clean energies, promoting efficiency and energy savings. Examples like the new Power Plant in Zona Franca, pioneer in Europe. Environmental friendly and genuine with regard proximity generation of energy. We are trying our best in sustainable waste management, extending organic waste collection to the whole of the city.

Urban green is a structural element in our city planning. And we are moving forward towards a more sustainable and human mobility with our Bicing’s hatching. We prefer to prioritize pedestrians against cars. Promote 30km/hour zones, special social tariff for children up to 12 years, and the completely accessibility in the bus and subway network is our priority.

A Barcelona which leads a different way of governing the territory, committed to draw together neighbourhoods, to leave behind fracturing urban planning. A Barcelona that returns to people a more friendly and human city.

A daily nature orientated Barcelona. A city which does not only want to know about big events,but knows and learns every day to live in diversity. A Barcelona that promotes youth emancipation; that overcomes elderly loneliness. A city that advances in gender rights. And also faces the challenge of human rights, sexual freedom, peace and cooperation.

We are proud to make an effort in a more inclusive, jointly shared and sustainable city. That is sometimes expressed in differed decisions. But we are not ready to change values for agreements. We govern the city to make it more human and liveable, this is our main goal, and that is why our social and political growth is so important. Only with more “red & green policies” we will have a different and better city.

Ricard Gomà, President of ICV Barcelona group in the City Council and candidate to the next local elections May 2011.

Imma Mayol, Deputy Mayor for Environment for ICV in Barcelona City Council.